【How to cancel your subscription to StaCommu】
Please go to the subscription screen from the application or the web to cancel the subscription.
You need to go through the cancellation procedure in order to cancel the paid plan (premium membership registration) of StaCommu.
If you wish to cancel your StaCommu subscription, please do so at least 24 hours before the expiration date. If the cancellation is delayed, your subscription will be renewed. The cancellation method differs depending on the payment method you have registered. Please check the cancellation method below.
※Please note that uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription.
※Please note that uninstalling the app will not cancel your subscription. If you initialize your device or change your device model without following the cancellation procedure, your subscription will be continued.
For Apple ID payment
How to cancel 1:Go to the subscription screen from the app and cancel.
① Tap 「My Page」 in the app menu.
② Tap/click 「Account Settings」
③ Tap/click 「Plan Details」
④ Tap/click 「Cancel」
⑤ Tap/click 「Continue cancellation」
⑥ When the subscription screen is displayed, tap 「StaCommu」
※If 「StaCommu」is not displayed, your Apple ID is not registered for membership status while you are signed in.
⑦ Tap 「Cancel subscription」
⑧ Tap 「Confirm」 on the "Confirmation of cancellation" screen.
How to cancel 2: Go to the Subscription screen from Settings to cancel.
Please follow the steps below.
① Tap 「Settings」 on the home screen of the device.
② Tap AppleID on the screen and tap 「Show AppleID」
③ Tap 「Registration」or 「Subscription」
④ Tap 「Subscription」
⑤ Tap 「Cancel Subscription」
⑥ Tap 「Confirm」on the 「Confirmation of cancellation」screen.
⑦ Confirm that 「Cancel subscription」 is not displayed.
If you receive a bill from Apple and are unable to complete the cancellation procedure
Apple ID (iOS app) payment If you register via iOS app, your registration will be linked to your AppleID. Please make sure to log in to the AppleID that you registered as a Premium Member to complete the cancellation procedure.
If you do not have an iPhone or iPad, you can also cancel your subscription on iTunes on your computer. If you have a PC, please refer to the following URL 【For Mac or Windows PC】 to complete the cancellation procedure. Please sign in to iTunes with the Apple ID you registered as a Premium Member.
▼To view, change, or cancel your subscription
If your statement shows "iTunes" or "Apple", you have registered via the iOS app.
If you can't see "StaCommu” on the subscription screen or you can't cancel your subscription, we can't cancel your subscription because iTunes is managed by Apple. If you are unable to cancel your subscription by yourself, please contact Apple.
▼Apple Support
① Log in from the StaCommu web page.
② Tap the icon in the upper right corner of the screen, and go to 「My Page」
③ Tap/click 「Plan Details」 in 「My Page」
④ Tap/click 「Cancel」 in blue text.
⑤ Tap/click 「Cancel」 at the bottom of the 「Plan Cancellation」 page.
※You can still use the service name until the expiration date after you cancel the StaCommu.
※You can use the service name until the expiration date. You can continue to use the service as a free member.
If you have changed your device from iPhone to Android
※The following is the cancellation method for those who have paid with an iPhone device.
■Apple ID payment
If you register using the iOS app, your registration will be linked to your AppleID. Please make sure to log in to the AppleID you registered for Premium Membership to complete the cancellation procedure. If you do not have an iPhone or iPad, you can also cancel your subscription on iTunes on your computer. If you have a PC, please refer to the following URL "For Mac or Windows PC" to complete the cancellation procedure. Please sign in to iTunes with the Apple ID you registered as a Premium Member.
▼To view, change, or cancel your subscription
<I'm having trouble cancelling my subscription.>
If you see "iTunes" or "Apple" on your statement, you have registered via the iOS app. If you can't see "StaCommu" on the subscription screen or you can't cancel your subscription, we can't cancel your subscription because iTunes is managed by Apple. If you are unable to cancel your subscription by yourself, please contact Apple.
▼Apple Support
In case of credit card payment
① Tap/click 「Plan Details」 on the 「My Page」
② Tap/click 「Cancel」 in 「Current Plan」
③ Tap/click 「Cancel」 under 「Plan Cancellation Procedures」 in the cancellation information.
④ If you agree to 「I will stop renewing and cancel my plan」, tap/click 「Cancel」
⑤ You have completed the cancellation.